Typography Trends to Look for in 2019

Large Headings Are Still In
Large headings grab your visitors' attention by giving them only a few competing items on the page. They’re wonderfully excessive and, at the time same time, completely essential. Big headings allow a business to capture attention, while also offer some unique style options. When thinking about big headers, it's important to also think about big messages. Whether it's a question, a section title OR a call-to-action, big headers can end up serving your company very well!

Why Not Stack Some Text Blocks
Simple and effective...stacked text blocks are common and can be seen in almost any website. The information hierarchy works so well, which is why we love using this technique in our web designs. Stacked text blocks can be easily paired with a picture, or can stand on their own; it all depends on what will work best for the client and what content you have. The goal is to not get so standardized that you lose the creativity that comes with designing a website!

Make it Animated
Animated text can appear in a number of ways. The simplest way to implement animated text on the site, is to animate it as the user goes through a page. These animations can include fades, slide-ins, etc.
There are more advanced options for animating text, but these typically require more customized coding. For example, an animation that types the text in real-time. Although, you may be lucky to find some impressive animations on the web that you can use on your own site, it is important, once again, to ensure that these match the overall website and enhance the design.

Highlighting... We Like It
At the end of the day, highlighted text is seriously all for looks. It's one of those things that just allows a website to be more visually unique and appealing...can't complain about that, right? Highlighted text is especially useful for more minimal websites, where white is a main component. One highlight, will add a splash of color, and allow the site to appear more welcoming.

Serif Fonts... So Times New Roman
We are JUST KIDDING! As traditional as serif fonts are, they still pull off a very sleek and modern look (but please don't go with Times New Roman). Many large companies are rebranding using serif fonts, including companies like WeWork. With so many serif fonts to choose from, it can make a website appear more simple and elegant. Serif fonts are timeless and can be used in a variety of ways to make your brand stand out.
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